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How to Care for Your Poolside Artificial Turf in Southern California: It’s Easier Than You Might Think

How to Care for Your Poolside Artificial Turf in Southern California: It’s Easier Than You Might Think

For countless homeowners, a backyard pool fringed with flawless artificial turf epitomizes luxury. In places like southern California, this becomes an embodiment of comfort and style. However, life happens, and with it, the occasional splatters, spills, and footprints. Over time, these elements can detract from the turf’s pristine allure. Contact All Season Turf at (866) 365-8873 if you are interested in making an appointment.

Factors Compromising the Neatness of Your Poolside Turf

  • Water Splashes from the Pool: It’s an expected part of the fun: water will occasionally splash out of the pool and onto the surrounding artificial turf. While these splashes might seem innocuous, over time, they mix with particles like dust, soil, and other tiny debris. As the water evaporates, these particles cling to your turf, potentially dulling its vibrant appearance.
  • Consistent Foot Traffic: Activities around the poolside aren’t just about swimming. Leisurely moments under the sun, festive barbeques, or simple relaxation can result in significant foot traffic. This recurrent movement brings along dirt, debris, and occasional food remnants, which can tamper with the turf’s aesthetic. Furthermore, high foot traffic areas might also exhibit signs of matting, affecting its overall lushness.
  • Sun Care Products: With the sun beaming, sunblock and lotions become indispensable. Yet, unintentional spills from these products can leave behind a sticky residue on the turf.
  • Natural Debris: Nature plays its part too. Leaves, twigs, or flower petals might find their way onto your turf. These not only affect its neat appearance but also can give rise to a layer of organic debris. Left unattended, this can usher in insects or even an unpleasant odor, potentially disrupting your tranquil pool moments.

Preserving the Freshness of Your Poolside Turf

  • Rinsing is Key: Making rinsing a part of your pool care routine can work wonders. A gentle wash using a garden hose can effectively eliminate everyday accumulated dirt. Focus a bit more on areas of high activity, like where people frequently step out of the pool. However, refrain from using extreme pressure settings to prevent any infill disturbance.
  • Address Spills Promptly: Spills are inevitable. When they occur, immediate action can make a difference. Employ a mild detergent designed for turf, gently scrubbing the affected area. Ensure a thorough rinse afterward, steering clear of abrasive cleaners and tools that might damage the turf.
  • Clear Away Debris: Dedicating a bit of your weekly schedule to removing organic debris can go a long way. Tools like plastic rakes or leaf blowers can be your allies. It’s crucial to avoid tools like metal rakes, which might be too harsh on the turf or its infill. Regular clearing not only preserves its appearance but also ensures unhindered drainage.
  • A Gentle Brushing: A monthly routine of brushing the turf against its grain using a push broom can help maintain its upright and plush appearance.

Retain the Charm of Your Poolside Oasis

The trio of Southern California’s sunshine, a delightful pool, and impeccable artificial turf promises an unparalleled backyard experience. With a touch of regular upkeep and care, your turf can mirror the vibrancy of the good times around the pool.

Envisioning such a picturesque setup in your backyard? All Season Turf is here to turn your dream into a reality, offering top-tier artificial turf solutions tailored to your preferences.

For both transformations and maintenance advice, we stand with you. Reach out to us today for a comprehensive consultation at (866) 365-8873.

Questions? Call us anytime at (866) 365-8873(866) 365-8873

All Season Turf Located at
27799 Blue Diamond Ln, Menifee, CA.
All Season Turf Logo Phone: (866) 365-8873