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A Comprehensive Guide to Decorating on Artificial Grass

A Comprehensive Guide to Decorating on Artificial Grass

There are so many reasons to consider installing artificial grass. At All Season Turf we hear from many clients who believe that artificial grass may be a good choice but they worry that the cost will be prohibitively expensive, or that it won’t work for certain needs. For example, they may not realize that it is great for pet owners, or that it can be much more affordable to maintain than traditional grass.

One concern people may have is whether or not it is going to work for their holiday decorations. It is true that there are certain rules to follow when installing decorations but for the most part you will find that your artificial grass works great with outdoor décor. Keep reading for a comprehensive guide to decorating with artificial grass and then contact All Season Turf at (866) 365-8873 for a free quote.

The Only Big NO: Stakes or Pegs

You may be surprised to learn that you can do just about anything on an artificial lawn that you could on a natural lawn – except driving in stakes or pegs. Does this mean you can’t put decorations on your front lawn? Of course not. There are plenty of décor choices that are stable on their own, such as a reindeer or a sleigh.

There also ornaments that are weighted on the bottom to keep them upfront on their own. Look for options like snowmen, giant wrapped presents, or other types of decorations that do not require stakes or pegs to be installed in the lawn.

Be Careful with Inflatables

Yes, you can use inflatables on your artificial lawn but we recommend you do so with care. Why? Because they are often so large and light in weight that they can be easily blown away. If you can place them in an area where they can be tied down to a stake or peg in landscaping that does not have artificial turf, or tied to a porch, then they can work great. However, the pegs can damage artificial grass if they are installed there.

Let Your Inner Decorator Take Over

Other than stakes and pegs, there are no limits to the way you can decorate your artificial lawn. We recommend lots of lights, plenty of whimsy, and something that will look great with your home while simultaneously showcasing your personal style.

Are You Curious About Your Options with Artificial Turf?

At the end of the day, at All Season Turf we are not experts at décor – but we are experts when it comes to artificial turf. If you are ready to find out what a difference our turf can make then we welcome you to contact us at (866) 365-8873 at your convenience. We are happy to answer your questions, get you a free quote, or otherwise help you get started on this fun and rewarding journey.

Questions? Call us anytime at (866) 365-8873(866) 365-8873

All Season Turf Located at
27799 Blue Diamond Ln, Menifee, CA.
All Season Turf Logo Phone: (866) 365-8873